Readers: if you happen to know of additional organizations or individuals with research in developing flexible hybrid smart structure systems that can generate energy from movement (also known as: vibration energy harvesting), as well as solar, Genergy (gravity energy) and / or hydro please post a link here. Especially if there are plans to utilize the height and overall structure of our current larger power grid towers that are located in high exposure areas like along the I-5 corridor. Not to mention, what about utilizing other newer sound infrastructure already in place like guard rails, bridges, etc... in this way? Excess energy can be stored underground in many cases with newly discovered technologies for later use during peak hours. I realize power companies own a portion if not all of the current power grid tower structures. Why not utilize them in this way as a viable addition to home alternative energy systems? It would give power companies an additional way to keep a piece of the pie for themselves without having to rely so heavily on fossil fuels. Lets get off the oil already!
Green energy invention showcases at House of Commons
Thursday 26 May 2011
Among those to visit the University's presentation were Lord Haskel, (pictured centre) and Bolton MPs Julie Hilling (left) and Yasmin Hussain (right). With them is PhD student Derman Vatansever and Director of Research, Professor Elias Siores.
Research That Matters looks at how modern universities contribute to national research, innovation and economic growth. The think tank says modern universities have a distinctive and valuable approach to research, working closely with business, public and third sector organisations. It is urging Government to support new universities' research, maintaining public investment.
Derman and Professor Siores, who are based in the University's Institute for Materials Research and Innovation (IMRI), were showcasing a new green-energy material.
The IMRI scientists have created a unique product – a flexible piezoelectric fibre that can be woven to create natural energy-harnessing fabrics. Energy is created as the material is moved. The researchers have added to it, patenting a method for creating a photovoltaic- piezoelectric fibre which would also harness the power of the sun, meaning the material could be a solar energy source as well.
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